
24th Congress of the Exo-Endo Club

icone calendrier From June 16 to 18, 2022

icone localisation Munster

Guest speakers

Gisou Van der Goot

Ruben Fernandez Busnadiego

Mike Cousin

Roméo Ricci

Program in PDF

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Best Oral Presentation Award

Juliane Da Graça (INEM, Paris), Joanna Podkalika (Institut Curie, Paris), Yonis Bare (IRIM, Montpelier), Pierre-Mickaël Coly (PARCC, Paris)

Best Poster Award

Alexander Wolf (INCI, Strasbourg), Mehdi Zouiouich (IGBMC, Strasbourg), Marguerita Caputo (INCI, Strasbourg), Mathilde Di Marco (Institut Curie, Paris)

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